Sony QDA-SB1 XQD USB Adapter

Sony QDA-SB1 XQD USB Adapter

Supporting both XQD Series G and XQD Series M memory cards, the QDA-SB1/J XQD USB Adapter fromSony makes it easy to transfer files between the memory card and either a Windows or Mac based computer equipped with a USB port. This bus-powered USB adapter features a USB 3.1 Gen 1 connector and requires no additional power source making it an effective solution to streamline workflows and free up space on memory cards even when on the go.

- Compatible with XQD G Series and M Series memory Cards

- Data in G/M series card can be transferred to PC at high speed via USB 3.1 Gen 1

- Extension USB cable

Warranty Non Warranty

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  • Product Code: QDA-SB1 XQD USB Adapter
  • SKU No. : 04SON0139
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp. 450,000

Tags: Asesoris Lain, Battery Dan Charger, Others