Nikon DK-17M Magnifying Eyepiece for D3 / D3S / D3X / D700 / D800 / D800E

Deals Nikon DK-17M Magnifying Eyepiece for D3 / D3S / D3X / D700 / D800 / D800E

The DK-17M increases viewfinder magnification by approximately 1.2x. It supports the safety lock feature of a range of Nikon cameras.
For more information about the compatibility of this item with other Nikon products, please check the `Related products` section below


for Nikon D2Xs, D3, F6

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  • Product Code: DK-17M Magnifying Eyepiece
  • SKU No. : 29NIK0002
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp. 929,000
  • Rp. 450,000

Tags: Aksesories Kamera, Nikon, EyeCup, Eye Piece