Kani HR Digital Protector 105mm for Sigma 150-600mm Lens

Kani HR Digital Protector 105mm for Sigma 150-600mm Lens

KANI HR DIGITAL PROTECTOR 105mm filters will not affect image of pictures, help protect your camera and camcorder lenses against fingerprints,scratches, dust, moisture and damage. This filters are made of metal and two pieces of high-quality optical glass which allow for superior light transmission.Both sides multi coating

KANI MC UV Protectors will make an excellent addition to your camera with multi use functionality.

Warranty Non Warranty

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  • Product Code: Kani HR Digital Protector 105mm for Sigma 150-600mm Lens
  • SKU No. : 08DIG0001
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp. 500,000

Tags: Kani, Digital Protector, Filter, Lensa, Lens, Kamera, ND, UV,