JJC Lens Hood LH-65II

JJC Lens Hood LH-65II

Lens hood is one of the most important accessories for each lens you own. A lens hood provides multiple functions: it shades the lens from stray light, improving your contrast and image quality; in inclement weather, it can assist in keeping moisture or wind-blown debris off the lens; and it protects the front barrel from the inevitable impacts against walls, door frames, and other real-life obstacles.



    Compatible Products

CANON EF 28mm f/2.8

CANON EF 35mm f/2

Gross Weight





One year warranty

Warranty Non Warranty

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  • Product Code: JJC Lens Hood LH-65II
  • SKU No. : 25JJC0001
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp. 30,000

Tags: Aksesoris, Aksesoris Kamera, Lens Hood