Aputure Amaran LED Video Light AL-528S

Aputure Amaran LED Video Light AL-528S

Aputure Amaran LED Video Light is the perfect continuous lighting solution for your HDSLR or video camera. It uses the latest LED technology, giving you great color and warm, soft lighting to enhance your subject matter.

It’s nearly heat free, for a cool and comfortable shooting experience. It’s small and light for maximum portability. Brightness can be adjusted to your liking, and output is 100% flicker free – ideal for video.

Get the same professional lighting quality as seen on TV and Hollywood. Finally, it’s eco-friendly nature saves power and lasts longer. With a wide range of features and ease of operation, Aputure Amaran LED Video Light is the best tool for your video and camera lighting needs

Warranty Non Warranty

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  • Product Code: Aputure Amaran LED Video Light AL-528s
  • SKU No. : 18ASE0052
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp. 2,632,000

Tags: Asesoris Handycam, Lampu Tambahan, Others