Canon Protect Filter 52mm

Canon Protect Filter 52mm

Gratis Ongkos Kirim

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  • Product Code: Canon Protect Filter 52 mm
  • SKU No. :
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp. 375,000

The Canon Protector Filter is a general use, clear filter that helps to protect your lens from dust, scratches, moisture, and other elements. It is ideal for leaving on a lens at all times as it also helps to provide an additional level of assurance against accidental drops.

This filter also features a UV coating to help absorb ultraviolet light and reduce the bluish cast of daylight. No additional coloration or contrast is provided, allowing you to pair this filter with others.

General protection filter reduces dust, moisture, and scratches from reaching lens elements.
Absorbs UV light and reduces bluish cast of daylight.
Clear filter provides no additional coloration or contrast, allowing you to pair this filter with others.
Made in Japan.
Warranty Non Warranty

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Tags: Asesoris Lensa, Filter Lensa, Canon