Kiwi 4/3 Lens To M 4/3

Kiwi 4/3 Lens To M 4/3

Fine finishing, made of black anodized aluminium (camera body mount) and brass silver (lens mount) the KIWIFOTOS LMA-4/3_M4/3 adapter allows the use of lenses for the four thirds system standard (Olympus Zuiko Digital lenses, 13 Sigma lenses and 4 Leica lenses etc.) on camera with Micro Four Thirds system bodysuch as OLYMPUS E-P1,E-P2, E-PL1, Panasonic G10, G2, G1, GH1, GF1, G1-HD etc.. Although the lens will fit physically, aperture control and auto-focusing control are not retained. In this case "stop-down mode" will need to be used when metering since the lens does not have the ability to have its aperture controlled by the camera body.

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  • Product Code: 4/3 Lens To M 4/3
  • SKU No. : 23KIW0006
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp. 60,000

Tags: aksesoris lensa, adapter lensa, kiwi