FotoPro ID-200+ Tablet Holder

FotoPro ID-200+ Tablet Holder

Gratis Ongkos Kirim

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  • Product Code: FotoPro ID-200+ Tablet Holder
  • SKU No. : 06FOT0066
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp. 130,000

ID-200 +" is a tablet holder that enables taking pictures and movies using a tripod with a tablet terminal.

FotoPro ID-200+ Features

  • Easy and full-fledged photography and movie shooting using a tripod on a tablet terminal is possible!
  • It is also recommended for watching videos and checking recipes during cooking
  • Simple spring-loaded design
  • Compatible with tablets within 17 cm - 24 cm
  • Rubber material and sponge are used for the fixed part, and it prevents the tablet from being damaged
  • It is compact, lightweight and convenient to carry

FotoPro ID-200+ Specifications

iPad Pro 12.9", iPad Pro 10.5", iPad iPad mini 7" tablet, 10" tablet
(Width or height 17 cm to 24 cm or less)

Warranty Non Warranty

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Tags: Aksesoris, Aksesoris for Smartphone, FotoPro ID-200+ Tablet Holder